Book:    Here I Am
Viewed: 65 - Published at: 5 years ago

Jews have become the smartest weakest people in the history of the world. Look, I'm not always right. I realize that. But I'm always strong. And if our history has taught us anything, it's that it's more important to be strong than right. Or good, for that matter. I would rather be alive and wrong and evil. I don't need Bishop Wears-a-Tutu, or that hydrocephalic peanut farmer president, or the backseat-driving pseudo-sociologist eunichs from the New York Times op-ed page, or anyone, to give me their blessing. I don't need to be a Light unto the Nations; I need to not be on fire. Life is long when you're alive, and history has a short memory. America had its way with the Indians. Australia and Germany and Spain … They did what had to be done. And what was the big deal? Their history books have a few regrettable pages? They have to issue weak-tea apologies once a year and pay out some reparations to the unfinished parts of the job? They did what had to be done, and life went on.

( Jonathan Safran Foer )
[ Here I Am ]