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Congress decided to put him on a committee to write a declaration explaining why the colonies were seeking independence. It was back in the days when Congress knew how to appoint really good committees: Franklin and Jefferson and John Adams were on it. They knew that leadership required not merely asserting values, but finding a balance when values conflict. We can see that in the deft editing of the famous sentence that opens the second paragraph of the Declaration. "We hold these truths to be sacred . . . ," Jefferson had written. On the copy of his draft at the Library of Congress we can see the dark printer's ink and backslashes of Franklin's pen as he changes it to "We hold these truths to be self-evident." His point was that our rights would come from rationality and the consent of the governed, not the dictates and dogma of any religion. Jefferson's draft sentence went on to say that all men have certain inalienable rights. We can see Adams's hand making an addition: "They are endowed by their Creator" with these inalienable rights. So just in the editing of one half of one sentence we can see how Franklin and his colleagues struck a unifying balance between the grace of divine providence and the role of democratic consent in the founding values of our nation.

( Walter Isaacson )
[ American Sketches: Great ]