Viewed: 49 - Published at: 9 years ago

Thank ye, John," he said. "I hadna time to say it earlier. I'm verra grateful to ye." "Thank me? It was hardly my choice. You abducted me at gunpoint." Jamie smiled; the tension of the last hour had eased, and with it the lines of his face. "Not that. For taking care of Claire, I mean." "Claire," he repeated. "Ah. Yes. That." "Aye, that," Jamie said patiently, and bent a little to peer at him in concern. "Are ye quite well, John? Ye look a wee bit peaked." "Peaked," Grey muttered. His heart was beating very erratically; perhaps it would conveniently stop. He waited for a moment to allow it to do this if it liked, but it went on cheerfully thumping away. No help, then. Jamie was still looking quizzically at him. Best to get it over quickly.

( Diana Gabaldon )
[ The Fiery Cross, A Breath of ]