Book:    Comanche Moon
Viewed: 54 - Published at: 9 years ago

My chief wife will be a woman of my own blood." He felt her stiffen and, seeking to mollify her, added, "You can be second wife, eh? Or third?"
To his surprise she bolted upright, shaking again, this time in anger. With an indignant lift of her small chin, she flung herself away from him.
"You are angry?"
Her reply was frigid silence.
"Blue Eyes, what wrong words have I said?"
"What have you said?"
Hunter frowned. "It would not please you to marry with me? Better a wife than a slave, yes?"
"I will play second fiddle, !"
Hunter studied her, trying to figure out why she had switched the topic of conversation from marriage to making music.

( Catherine Anderson )
[ Comanche Moon ]