Book:    Comanche Moon
Viewed: 53 - Published at: 7 years ago

Looking skyward, he searched for Loretta's Great One, the Almighty Father to whom she gave thanks for her food. At first he had been disgruntled by her prayers. Her God didn't bring her the food; her husband did. Loretta had explained that her God led Hunter's footsteps so his hunts were successful.
Was her God up there in the sky, as she believed? Did he truly hear a man's whispers, his thoughts? Hunter could see his own gods, Mother Earth, Mother Moon, Father Sun, the wind coming from the four directions. It was easy to believe in what he could see. Why did Loretta's God hide himself? Was he terrible ugly? Did he hide only from Comanches? Loretta said he was father to all, even Indians.

( Catherine Anderson )
[ Comanche Moon ]