Book: Second Ring of Power
Quotes of Book: Second Ring of Power
  1. Carlos Castaneda _ Second Ring of Power

    Don Juan had said that any habit was, in essence, a "doing," and that a doing needed all its parts in order to function. If some parts were missing, a doing was disassembled. By doing, he meant any coherent and meaningful series of actions. In other words, a habit needed all its component actions in order to be a live activity. La Gorda then described how she had stalked her own weakness of eating excessively. She said that the Nagual had suggested she first tackle the biggest part of that habit, which was connected with her laundry work; she ate whatever her customers fed her as she went from house to house delivering her wash. She expected the Nagual to tell her what to do, but he only laughed and made fun of her, saying that as soon as he would mention something for her to do, she would fight not to do it. He said that that was the way human beings are; they love to be told what to do, but they love even more to fight and not do what they are told, and thus they get entangled in hating the one who told them in the first place. For many years she could not think of anything to do to stalk her weakness. One day, however, she got so sick and tired of being fat that she refused to eat for twenty-three days. That was the initial action that broke her fixation. She then had the idea of stuffing her mouth with a sponge to make her customers believe that she had an infected tooth and could not eat. The subterfuge worked not only with her customers, who stopped giving her food, but with her as well, as she had the feeling of eating as she chewed on the sponge. La Gorda laughed when she told me how she had walked around with a sponge stuffed in her mouth for years until her habit of eating excessively had been broken. "Was that all you needed to stop your habit?" I asked. "No. I also had to learn how to eat like a warrior." "And how does a warrior eat?" "A
  2. Carlos Castaneda _ Second Ring of Power

    Мы шли с ним однажды через очень крутое ущелье, как вдруг громадная каменная глыба отделилась от стены, покатилась вниз и с невероятным грохотом упала на дно каньона в двадцати-тридцати ярдах от места, где мы стояли. Падение этой глыбы было впечатляющим событием. Тут же дон Хуан увидел возможность извлечь драматический урок. Он сказал, что сила, которая правит нашими судьбами, находится вне нас и не обращает внимания на наши действия или волеизъявления. Иногда эта сила заставляет нас на нашем пути наклониться, чтобы завязать шнурки но ботинках, как это только что сделал я. И, заставив нас остановиться, эта сила заставляет нас добраться до точно определенного момента. Если бы мы продолжали идти, этот огромный валун явно раздавил бы нас насмерть. Однако в некоторый день, в другом ущелье, та же самая руководящая сила вновь заставит нас наклониться и завязать шнурки, в то время как другая глыба сорвется в точности над тем местом, где мы будем стоять. Заставив нас остановиться, эта сила заставит нас упустить точно определенный момент. На этот раз, если бы мы продолжали идти, то спаслись бы. Дон Хуан сказал, что поскольку у меня полностью отсутствует контроль над силами, которые решают мою судьбу, моя единственная свобода в этом ущелье состоит в безупречном завязывании своих ботинок.