Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living
Quotes of Book: Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
But that {physical attractiveness}, as the late great Irish poet and philosopher of beauty John O'Donohue helpfully distinguished, is glamour. I've taken his definition as my own, for naming beauty in all its nuance in the moment-to-moment reality of our days:
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
Internet is in its infancy. It is at a fundamental level a new canvas for the old human condition, salvation and sin, at digital speed and with viral replication. It is a magnifying glass on every human inclination, beautiful and terrible, trivial and mean, generous and curious. Take note of how this realization puts the power back with us.
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
We now know that doing good to others, having a network of strong and supportive relationships, and having a sense that one's life is worthwhile are the three greatest determinants of happiness.
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
Lonely is one of the adjectives people like Shane Claiborne use, alongside unsustainable, to describe the culture of adulthood they grew up watching.
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
I'm consciously shedding the assumption that a skeptical point of view is the most intellectually credible. Intellect does not function in opposition to mystery; tolerance is not more pragmatic than love; and cynicism is not more reasonable than hope. Unlike almost every worthwhile thing in life, cynicism is easy. It's
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
Sorrow is a near enemy to compassion and to love. It is borne of sensitivity and feels like empathy. But it can paralyze and turn us back inside with a sense that we can't possibly make a difference.
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
there are "near enemies" to every great virtue-reactions that come from a place of care in us, and which feel right and good, but which subtly take us down an ineffectual path.
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
You have your own stories, the dramatic and more ordinary moments where what has gone wrong becomes an opening to more of yourself and part of your gift to the world. This is the beginning of wisdom. And what is true for individuals is true for peoples. Our problems are not more harrowing than the ravaging depressions and wars of a century ago. But our economic, demographic, and ecological challenges are in fact existential. I think we sense this in our bones, though it's not a story with commonly agreed-upon contours. Our global crises, the magnitude of the stakes for which we are playing, could signal the end of civilization as we've known it. Or they might be precisely the impetus human beings perversely need to do the real work at hand: to directly and wisely address the human condition and begin to grow it up.
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
Spiritual humility is not about getting small, not about debasing oneself, but about approaching everything and everyone else with a readiness to see goodness and to be surprised. This is the humility of a child, which Jesus lauded. It is the humility of the scientist and the mystic. It has a lightness of step, not a heaviness of heart. That lightness is the surest litmus test I know for recognizing wisdom when you see it in the world or feel its stirrings in yourself.
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
I don't know why it is, how it is, but it's the authentic, the unique, the different that makes us feel enriched when we encounter it. And a bland, plastic, synthetic, universal can't-tell-one-brand-of-coffee-from-another-brand-of-coffee by contrast makes life flat, uninteresting, and essentially uncreative.
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
By being what only I can be, I give humanity what only I can give. It is my uniqueness that allows me to contribute something unique to the universal heritage of humankind. I sum up the Jewish imperative, very simply-and it has been like this since the days of Abraham: to be true to your faith is a blessing to others regardless of their faith. That's the big paradox when you really reach the very depth of particularity.
Krista Tippett
Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into
In life, in religion, in science, this I believe: any conviction worth its salt has chosen to cohabit with a piece of mystery, and that mystery is at the essence of the vitality and growth of the thing.
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